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Mercado Livre Search API

A GET request to our endpoint /api/getter/?platform="mercado_search" enables you to scrape search results from Mercado Livre's search engine in real-time.

New! Scrape all search results at once with Mercado Livre Search Scraper

We now offer a more convenient way to scrape search results with the Mercado Livre Search Scraper. This works better because it extracts all the search results for a keyword with a single request unlike this API which requires you to loop over the page numbers manually. It can be used via API or our No-Code application.


To scrape Mercado Livre's search results for the keyword "shampoo", you can use the following command:

curl -v -L ''


Remember to include the option -L with curl to handle any redirects automatically, ensuring successful data retrieval from our server.

Query Parameters

Our endpoint requires the following query parameters to fetch the desired search results:

Search Query



Defines the search query. Accepts any string a user might enter in a regular Mercado Livre search.



Specifies the page number of results you're requesting. The default is 1.

Other Required Parameters



The scraping engine to use. For Mercado Livre searches, this should be mercado_search.



Your unique API key, obtainable by registering on our platform.


Replace spaces in the search keyword with a plus + sign. For example, use "organic+shampoo" instead of "organic shampoo".


Each request returns up to 60 results. The response includes the following attributes for each product:

Attributes Returned Data Type Information Represented
name string Product name
URL string Product listing URL
thumbnail string Thumbnail URL
is_sponsored boolean Whether the product is a sponsored listing
brand string Brand of the product
price string Price of the product
rating float Average product rating (if available)
total_ratings int Total number of ratings (if available)

Response Example

Here's a simplified example of what you can expect to receive for the request showcased above:

    "success": true,
    "search": "shampoo",
    "page": 1,
    "total_results": 248590,
    "no_of_pages": 42,
    "result_count": 54,
    "results": [
            "name": "Kit Hidratação Total (spray Hidratei + S.o.s + Shampoo)",
            "url": "",
            "is_sponsored": true,
            "brand": "HIDRATEI",
            "price": "R$321,23",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Kit Progressiva Master - Shampoo, Tratamento E Máscara (1l)",
            "url": "",
            "is_sponsored": true,
            "brand": "ARK LINE",
            "price": "R$299",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Shampoo Estimulante Antiqueda Dercos Energy+ 400g Vichy",
            "url": "",
            "is_sponsored": true,
            "brand": "VICHY",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "total_ratings": 1947,
            "price": "R$169,90",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Shampoo + Condicionador Truss Equilibrium 300ml",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "TRUSS",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "total_ratings": 13,
            "price": "R$143,98",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Truss Professional Ultra Hydration Plus en garrafa de 300mL de 300g de 600mL",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "TRUSS PROFESSIONAL",
            "rating": 4.8,
            "total_ratings": 62,
            "price": "R$148,30",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Kit Shampoo + Condicionador Plástica Capilar Inoar Cicatrifios Squeeze 1l Cada",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "INOAR",
            "rating": 4.8,
            "total_ratings": 447,
            "price": "R$49,97",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Vichy Dercos Shampoo Intensivo Contra Caspas 200 Ml",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "VICHY",
            "rating": 4.8,
            "total_ratings": 4198,
            "price": "R$85,68",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "G-hair Inoar Kit Escova Progressiva Marroquina 2x1 Litro",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "INOAR PROFESSIONAL",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "total_ratings": 59,
            "price": "R$132,05",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Vichy Dercos Shampoo Energy+ 200g",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "VICHY",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "total_ratings": 126,
            "price": "R$86,31",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Kit 2 Shampoos Redutor De Grisalhos Grecin Control Gx 118 Ml",
            "url": "",
            "is_sponsored": true,
            "brand": "GRECIN",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "total_ratings": 950,
            "price": "R$169,11",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Vichy Dercos Shampoo Intensivo Contra Caspas 200 Ml",
            "url": "",
            "is_sponsored": true,
            "brand": "VICHY",
            "rating": 4.8,
            "total_ratings": 4198,
            "price": "R$85,68",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Shampoo Reduz Grisalhos Gradualmente Grecin Control Gx 118ml",
            "url": "",
            "is_sponsored": true,
            "brand": "GRECIN",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "total_ratings": 459,
            "price": "R$75,51",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Kit Completo Reconstrução Capilar Vitay Recarga Queratina",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "VITAY NOVEX",
            "rating": 5.0,
            "total_ratings": 3,
            "price": "R$74,15",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Inoar Resistance Bambu Kit Shampoo + Condicionador 1l",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "INOAR",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "total_ratings": 144,
            "price": "R$49,40",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Shampoo Lola Morte Súbita Hidratante 250g",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "LOLA COSMETICS",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "total_ratings": 336,
            "price": "R$16,41",
            "thumbnail": ""
            "name": "Shampoo Redutor De Grisalhos Grecin Control Gx 118 Ml",
            "url": "",
            "listing_url": "",
            "is_sponsored": false,
            "brand": "GRECIN",
            "rating": 4.6,
            "total_ratings": 550,
            "price": "R$75,51",
            "thumbnail": ""

Request Cost

Request cost is 1 credit per record returned. Each response includes up to 60 results.


For additional parameters, questions, or feedback, please contact us at

This template mirrors the structure and content of your Amazon Product Search API documentation, adjusted for Mercado Livre specifics. If there are any more specific details or features about the Mercado Livre API you would like to include, feel free to let me know!